Wednesday 2 January 2013

Penmaen Dewi

Yesterday took dog to St davids head. We used to do a new year's day there every year I count it as one of the most awesome places I know on this planet. Some such epithet. Now my life partner gone and the girls distracted So yesterday alone with dog avoided Whitesands and approached over the lower Gabbro Carns from Treleddyd farms (now all holiday homes!)to the sea by Gesail Bay ( site of my one climbing excursion with Bonnington). Met only two souls on a stunning day. Alone with dog entering Penmaen Dewi through the gate and there the 8 stone circle huts my head blew off and I could smell the three thousand year old cooking and the voices of the iron age speaking what language? Ancient prote Cymraig? From the head that scramble down the gabbro (why is there gabbro here(as opposed to a granite that is), Silurian mafic intrusion punching through Ordivician sediment? Carry the dog on shoulders down to what I think resembles the prow of a ship. Great seas surging and the tide rushing passed, heart near bursting. Night rolling in rushing passed the 5000 year old Coetan Arthur what must of the iron age guys have thought as they looked up at it on their way to their fields belkow Garn llidi? Up that magic valley and round the garn that in the dusk rears up like a matterhorn